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中国神经科学学会第十四届全国学术会议暨第七届第二次全国会员代表大会将于2021年9月16日-19日(周四-周日),在重庆悦来国际会议中心召开,预计参会人数3500人左右。上海交通大学认知机器与计算健康研究中心将在大会上举办“类脑智能与因果计算”专题研讨会(S36:Brain-like Intelligence and Causal Computing)。诚邀相关专家、学者参加专题研讨会。专题研讨会将于9月18日下午15:00-18:00 在一楼智悦厅举行。
通过脑机接口,人脑和外部设备之间可以直接进行交互,从而实现脑智能和机器 智能的融合,即混合智能。混合智能是人工智能一种新的形态和方向,具有广泛的应用前景。提高目标检测性能和实现多维控制是脑机接口研究的两大基本问题。我们首先介绍多种多模态脑机交互,包括基于 SSVEP 和 P300 的脑机接口,基于 P300 和运动想象的脑机接口,轮椅脑机协同控制系统等,这些脑机接口或者可 以提高目标检测性能,或者可以实现多维控制。然后我们介绍这些脑机接口两个 方面的临床应用:(1)意识障碍患者(如植物人等)的意识检测是一个难点问 题,主要原因是这些病人缺乏行为能力,认知水平低下。我们开发了多种脑机接 口,用于意识障碍患者(如植物人等)的意识检测,数字认知检测、临床辅助诊断 及康复预测,取得了良好效果。(2)面向严重的颈椎损伤的高位截瘫病人,我 们开发了环境控制系统。该系统集成轮椅、家电和护理床于一体,实现了脑控, 有效提高了这些病人的生活自理能力。
脑功能区之间是如何相互作用,即功能整合,脑疾病如何影响脑功能整合,以及随病程加重如何影响其它脑区域结构的变化,脑功能随时间演化的网络特征是当前脑信息探测研究的重要领域。报告主要介绍 Granger 因果方法和模型,脑运动执行系统的功能因果网络,精神疾病患者脑功能因果网络,精神疾病患者脑结构因果协变网络,揭示脑认知功能活动区域间信息传递特征,脑疾病引起脑区域间信息异常传递的特征。介绍部分精神疾病脑时变网络异常变化的特征。
Cross-domain images are multi-modality images of a certain object acquired by different sensors. Cross-domain image reconstruction is the process of generating images from another domain based on content relevance and expression complementarity between different domains. In this talk, the cross-domain image reconstruction mainly includes face sketch-photo synthesis and image super-resolution reconstruction. This talk first introduces the background, significance and social needs of cross-domain image reconstruction, and then takes sketch-photo synthesis and image super-resolution reconstruction as examples to introduce the research status of crossdomain image generation and the latest research progress of our team on this topic.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been widely used as the backbone model in computer vision. In recent years, network architecture innovations are pushing forward the application of deep learning on mobile devices. This talk will introduce an important line of research that improves the inference efficiency of deep networks with dynamic architectures. Compared to the mainstream CNN backbones with static components, dynamic models can change its depth/width/parameters during the inference stage, conditioned on each input sample, thus leading to substantially reduce computational redundancy. The advantages of dynamic models and possible future directions will be discussed.